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tests:collision:mock_data:challenge_4 [2017/03/06 11:54] v.henault-brunettests:collision:mock_data:challenge_4 [2022/10/24 12:28] (current) – external edit
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-The mock data is a snapshots of large $N$-body simulation of the globular cluster M4 are [[|available here]]. Full lists of data for all particles (mass, position, velocity, stellar type, stellar radius, V magnitude, B-V colour) are given at almost 400 instants in the lifetime of the model. The simulation is described in the [[]], which should be cited when making use of this data.+The mock data is a snapshots of large N-body simulation of the globular cluster M4 are [[|available here]]. Full lists of data for all particles (mass, position, velocity, stellar type, stellar radius, V magnitude, B-V colour) are given at almost 400 instants in the lifetime of the model. The simulation is described in this paper [[]], which should be cited when making use of this data.
-We selected the snapshot at t = 12023.9 Myr and assume that radial/LOS velocities are available for all stars brighter than V=15 (N=1143). A distance modulus of 11.35 mag was adopted (i.e. D=1862.1 pc). The cluster properties are: +We selected the snapshot at t = 12023.9 Myr. A distance modulus of 11.35 mag was adopted (i.e. D=1862.1 pc). The cluster properties are: 
-  - = 69144.5 M_sun+  - Mtot = 69144.5 M_sun
   - L_V = 35547.1 L_V_sun   - L_V = 35547.1 L_V_sun
-  - M/L_V=1.95+  - M/L_V = 1.95 Msun/L_V_sun 
 +  - <m> = 0.495 Msun
   - r_h = 3.14 pc   - r_h = 3.14 pc
 +  - r_eff = 1.43 pc
 +  - N neutron stars = 130
 +  - N black holes = 2
 +  - Mass in remnants = 27176.4 Msun
 We do the comparison in 3 steps: We do the comparison in 3 steps:
-  - Surface brightness profile + RVs +  - Step 1: Surface brightness profile + RVs 
-  - Surface brightness profile + RVs + PMs +  - Step 2: Surface brightness profile + RVs + PMs ('HST') 
-  - Surface brightness profile + RVs + PMs + Gaia +  - Step 3: Surface brightness profile + RVs + PMs ('HST' 'Gaia') 
- +(+ local mass function for methods allowing it).
-The data for the 3 fitting steps : +
-  - Step 1: +
-    - Surface brightness: {{:data:M4_sb.dat.gz}} +
-    - Discrete LOS velocities: {{:data:M4_rv.dat.gz}}  +
-    - LOS velocity dispersion profile: {{:data:M4_rv_disp.dat.gz}} +
-  - Step 2: +
-    - Discrete proper motions: {{:data:M4_pm_mock.dat.gz}}  +
-    - Proper motion dispersion profiles: {{:data:M4_pm_disp_mock.dat.gz}} +
-  - Step 3: +
-    - Gaia proper motions: +
-    - Gaia proper motion dispersion profiles: +
-For methods that allow it, you can also use constraints from mock observed mass function at a projected radius of 300 arcseconds from the centre: {{}}+** DOWNLOAD NEW M4 MOCK DATA (updated 21/03/2017)**: All the mock data you will need (and more!) are available and bundled [[|here]]. You can find summary of the list of files in 'ReadMe_M4_mocks'.
-A number density profile for stars brighter than the main-sequence turnoff (V < 17 mag; corresponding to a turnoff mass of 0.82 solar massesis also available ({{:tests:collision:M4_number_density.dat.gz}}). This can be used as an alternative/complement to the surface brightness profile.+Included are the surface brightness profile, line-of-sight dispersion profile and discrete velocities for RGB stars, HST-like PM dispersion profiles and discrete velocities, Gaia-like (end-of-mission) PM dispersion profiles and discrete velocities (for M4, bulge and halo-like backgrounds), number density profile for bright stars, and local mass functionMass profiles and the M/L_V profiles (in projection and 3dare also available. Predictions from best-fit models should be compared to the 3d M/L_V profile.
-The mass profile in projection and the $M/L_V$ ratio in projection can be found here: 
-  - {{:data:m4_Sigma.dat.gz}}  
tests/collision/mock_data/challenge_4.1488801264.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/24 12:28 (external edit)