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Action mail Thanks "Thank you for submitting your registration." Fieldset "Personal Details" textbox "Name" textbox "Affiliation" email "E-Mail Address" date "Arrival date" ! date "Departure date" ! yesno "Student?" =Yes !No ! yesno "Do you require financial support?" =Yes !No ! static " we will be able to offer partial support, preferentially for students" hiddenautoinc "numbercount" textarea "Any specific requirements? (dietary,...)"! x5 fieldset "Workshop Details" select "Please select a working group" "1. Spherical and Triaxial| 2. Discs and Extinction Map | 3. Streams & Halo Stars | 4.Collisional/Star Clusters | 5. Stellar Parameters " ! select "Second working group?" "1. Spherical and Triaxial | 2. Discs and Extinction Map| 3. Streams & Halo Stars |4.Collisional/Star Clusters | 5. Stellar Parameters " ! yesno "Can you provide a test problem?" =Yes !No ! textarea "If yes, please briefly describe" x5 ! yesno "Would you like to give a talk" =Yes !No ! static " Please note that due to the focus of this meeting on the individual working group sessions the talk spaces will be limited, but we would like to give all participants the opportunity to propose a talk relevant to these sessions." Textarea "Abstract" x18 ! Fieldset submit "Submit"