===== Analytic global models with a known distribution function and background potentials ===== N-body representations of an analytical distribution function of the form used by [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.419.2251M|McMillan and Binney (2012)]], evaluated in two different potentials. The distribution function represents a single "pseudo-isothermal" disc in each potential. The potentials are Milky Way-like and constructed from several spheroidal and disc like components (as in [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.414.2446M|McMillan 2011]]). The particles are tracers (zero mass), and the data files provide their exact positions and velocities (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) in units of kpc and kpc/Myr (1 kpc/Myr = 977.775 km/s). Questions or comments to [[|p.mcmillan1 (at) physics (dot) ox (dot) ac (dot) uk]]. {{:data:GaiaChallenge_PJMdataH.tgz|Data file 1}} from first potential. {{:data:GaiaChallenge_PJMdataG.tgz|Data file 2}} from second potential. ===== Analytic models with known df - Red Clump test ===== Again, N-body representations in the same two potentials - the distribution function is slightly more complicated. Data represent red clump stars (all having intrinsic G=1, V-I=1), with data including uncertainties as per those expected from Gaia, so if G>16, the radial velocity is unknown __**(N.B. unknown radial velocities are quoted as 0 with uncertainty given as -1)**__ Data format: gzipped space separated ascii, with explanation in header line (behind a # symbol): RA(radians) dec(radians) true_parallax(mas) true_mu_a*(mas/yr) true_mu_d(mas/yr) true_vr(km/s) RA(radians) dec(radians) obs_parallax(mas) obs_mu_a*(mas/yr) obs_mu_d(mas/yr) obs_vr(km/s) err_parallax(mas) err_mu_a*(mas/yr) err_mu_d(mas/yr) err_vr(km/s) abs_G obs_G x(kpc) y(kpc) z(kpc) vx(km/s) vy(km/s) vz(km/s) (78 Mb each, {{:data:ModelH_PJMetc1.output.gz|Data file 1b}} {{:data:ModelG_PJMetc1.output.gz|Data file 2b}}) The Sun is placed at x=8kpc, y=0, z=0. The Sun's velocity with respect to the Galactic Centre is vR = -11.1 km/s, vz = 7.25 km/s and vphi = -258.7 km/s for model H or -249.5 km/s for model G. ==== Publication policy ==== If using these test data, please cite the Gaia Challenge wiki and [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.419.2251M|McMillan and Binney (2012)]].