===== Full N-body models (with local cuts) ===== These are full collisionless N-body simulations. The first two were published and analysed in [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.416.2318G]] and [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.425.1445G]]. The latter two include a perturbing satellite at low and high inclination. There are four simulations: ^ Simulation ^ Description ^ Data files ^ | UnEvol | Unevolved disc | {{:data:unevol_densityfalloff_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:unevol_densityfalloff_stars.tar.gz}} {{:data:unevol_surfacedensity_bar.tar.gz}} {{:data:unevol_surfacedensity_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:unevol_velocitydispersion.tar.gz}} {{:data:unevol_wedges.tar.gz}} {{:large_data:unevolved_centered_aligned.txt.gz}} {{:large_data:mw_hr.00010.tip}} | | Evol | Evolved disc (has spiral arms and a weak bar) | {{:data:evol_densityfalloff_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:evol_densityfalloff_stars.tar.gz}} {{:data:evol_surfacedensity_bar.tar.gz}} {{:data:evol_surfacedensity_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:evol_velocitydispersion.tar.gz}} {{:data:evol_wedges.tar.gz}} {{:large_data:mw_hr_820_centered_aligned.txt.gz}} {{:large_data:mw_hr.00820.tip}} | | LoI | Low inclination merger (has weak dark disc) | {{:data:LLMC10_densityfalloff_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC10_densityfalloff_stars.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC10_surfacedensity_bar.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC10_surfacedensity_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC10_velocitydispersion.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC10_wedges.tar.gz}} {{:large_data:llmc10_00900_centered_aligned.txt.gz}}{{:large_data:llmc10s.00900.tip}} | | HiI | High inclination merger (has flare/warp) | {{:data:LLMC60_densityfalloff_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC60_densityfalloff_stars.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC60_surfacedensity_bar.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC60_surfacedensity_dm.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC60_velocitydispersion.tar.gz}} {{:data:LLMC60_wedges.tar.gz}} {{:large_data:llmc60_00900_centered_aligned.txt.gz}}{{:large_data:llmc60s.00900.tip}} | Each simulation includes: * densityfalloff_dm/stars :: ASCII file data for the dark matter/star density fall-off at different radii and angle for small volumes around the disc. * surfacedensity_bar/dm :: As above for the surface density for the baryons and dark matter. * velocity dispersion :: As above for the stellar velocity dispersion in the z-direction (perpendicular to the disc). * wedges :: Raw unbinned ASCII data for different wedges cut around the disc as in [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.416.2318G]]. * *.txt.gz :: Raw ASCII data for the entire centred and aligned simulations (excluding the accreted satellite stars and dark matter). **Warning**: These files are large (>2 GB). * *.tip :: Tipsy format binary file containing **all** simulation data. **Warning** :: these files have not been centred or aligned. Tools for reading, centring and aligning these data can be found in the PyNbody suite [[https://github.com/pynbody/pynbody|here]]. ==== Publication policy ==== If using these test data, please cite the Gaia Challenge wiki and [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.416.2318G]].