===== Spherical models ===== ==== Description of mocks ==== These DFs are calculated for different potentials (`Cusp' or `Core'), different light profiles (`Plum' or 'Nonplum'; but note that even the `Plum' case is not quite Plummer as it has an inner slope with power-law index 0.1 instead of 0), and different velocity anisotropy profiles (`Iso', 'OM', `Tan' for isotropic, Osipkov-Merritt and constant tangential). * See Matthew Walker's {{:data:gaiachallenge_spherical.pdf|README}} for explanations of the columns of the first eight and last two mock datasets. * For the **single component models**, versions with velocity errors are included in separate *_err.dat files. The velocity errors are applied to vx,vy,vz and assumed to be Gaussian of width 2km/s. **Please use the files WITH velocity errors as default**. * The single component models are also available with different sampling. In priority order, please run: * Full sampling (10000 stars); * 1000 stars, model _0 * 100 stars, model _0 * And, if feasible 1000 star models _1 -> _4 and 100 star models _1 -> _9 * The **tangential models** are described in another {{:data:README_tang.txt|README}}. (**Note:** the alpha values provided in this file are 1/alpha as defined in the readme above for the other spherical models.) * For the **split component models**, velocity errors, contamination and metallicity distribution functions for each component have are all included in the data files. See the above .pdf for further details. Included are the original mocks from Matt Walker and two more for each of the cored and cusped cases :: one where the mean Mg of the two populations is separated by 0.35dex (_mgsepsamll.dat); and one where it is by 0.6dex (_mgseplarge.dat). **Please run these using all available stars**. * In all cases **units** are kpc, km/s. ==== Choice of projection ==== In order to enable straightforward comparisons, **please test first using the projection along the Z-axis**. Projections along X- and Y- axes can subsequently be used for 'independent' realisations. ==== Mock data ==== |<100%>| ^ Model ^ Description ^ R_1/2 ^ Data file ^ | PlumCuspIso | Isotropic ~Plummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:gs010_bs050_rcrs025_rarcinf_cusp_0064mpc3_df.tar|PlumCuspIso.tar}} | | PlumCoreIso | Isotropic ~Plummer in cored halo | |{{:data:gs010_bs050_rcrs100_rarcinf_core_0400mpc3_df.tar|PlumCoreIso.tar}} | | NonplumCuspIso | Isotropic NonPlummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:gs100_bs050_rcrs025_rarcinf_cusp_0064mpc3_df.tar|NonplumCuspIso.tar}} | | NonplumCoreIso | Isotropic NonPlummer in cored halo | |{{:data:gs100_bs050_rcrs100_rarcinf_core_0400mpc3_df.tar|NonplumCoreIso.tar}} | | PlumCuspOm | Osipkov_Merritt ~Plummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:gs010_bs050_rcrs010_rarc100_cusp_0064mpc3_df.tar|PlumCuspOm.tar}} | | PlumCoreOm | Osipkov-Merritt ~Plummer in cored halo | |{{:data:gs010_bs050_rcrs025_rarc100_core_0400mpc3_df.tar|PlumCoreOm.tar}} | | NonplumCuspOm | Osipkov-Merritt NonPlummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:gs100_bs050_rcrs010_rarc100_cusp_0064mpc3_df.tar|NonplumCuspOm.tar}} | | NonplumCoreOm | Osipkov-Merritt NonPlummer in cored halo | |{{:data:gs100_bs050_rcrs025_rarc100_core_0400mpc3_df.tar|NonplumCoreOm.tar}} | | PlumCuspTan | Constant tangential anisotropy, ~Plummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:Data_H_rh2_rs05_gs01_ra0_b05n_10k.tar|PlumCuspTan.tar}} | | PlumCoreTan | Constant tangential anisotropy, ~Plummer in cored halo | | {{:data:Data_C_rh4_rs175_gs01_ra0_b05n_10k.tar|PlumCoreTan.tar}} | | NonplumCuspTan | Constant tangential anisotropy, NonPlummer in cusped halo | |{{:data:Data_H_rh2_rs05_gs10_ra0_b05n_10k.tar|NonplumCuspTan.tar}} | | NonplumCoreTan | Constant tangential anisotropy, NonPlummer in cored halo | |{{:data:Data_C_rh4_rs175_gs10_ra0_b05n_10k.tar|NonplumCoreTan.tar}} | | SplitCompCusp | Two populations in cusped halo, The mean Mg in the two populations are separated with 0.35 index in _mgsepsmall.dat and 0.6 index in _mgseplarge.tar | |{{:data:c1_100_050_050_100_cusp_c2_100_050_100_100_cusp_008_6d.dat|SplitCompCusp.dat}} {{:data:c1_100_050_050_100_cusp_c2_100_050_100_100_cusp_008_6d_mgsepsmall.dat|SplitCompCusp_mgsepsmall.dat}} {{:data:c1_100_050_050_100_cusp_c2_100_050_100_100_cusp_008_6d_mgseplarge.dat|SplitCompCusp_mgseplarge.dat}} | |SplitCompCore | Two populations in cored halo | |{{:data:c1_100_050_050_100_core_c2_100_050_100_100_core_002_6d.dat|SplitCompCore.dat}} |