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(preliminary list)

Franisco Aros Univ. of Viennaglobular clustersyes
Paolo BianchiniObs. Strasbourgglobular clustersyes
Jean-Baptiste FouvryIAP, Parisdisk, globular clustersyes
Anna GeninaDurham Univ.sphericalyes
Rodrigo Ibata Obs. Strasbourgspherical, streamsyes
Klaudia Kowalczyk CAMK, Warsawsphericalyes
John Magorrian Univ. of Oxfordsphericalyes
Khyati Malhan Stockholm Univ.streams, sphericalyes (Mon-Wed)
Gary Mamon IAP, Parisspherical, globular clustersyes
Alessandra Mastrobuono-BattistiMPIA, Heidelbergglobular clustersyes
Farnik Nikakhtar Univ. of PennsylvaniastreamsTue-aft-Fri
Raffaele Pascale Univ. Bolognasphericalyes
Christophe Pichon IAP, Parisdisk, streams, globular clustersyes
Lorenzo Posti Obs. Strasbourgsphericalyes
Pau Ramos Univ. Barcelonadisk, streamsyes
Justin Read Univ. Surreysphericalyes (Mon-Tue)
Simon Rozier IAP, Parisdisk, globular clustersyes
Jason Sanders Univ. of Cambridgestreamsyes
Antonio Sollima Obs. Bolognaglobular clustersyes
Nathaniel Starkman Univ. Torontostreamsyes
Anna Lisa Varri Univ. Tokyosphericalyes
Eugene Vassiliev Univ. Cambridgespherical, globular clustersyes
Tadeja Versic Univ. Viennaglobular clusters, sphericalyes
Laura Watkins ESO, STScIspherical, globular clustersyes
Alice Zocchi ESAglobular clustersyes (Mon-Wed)

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gc5_participants.1568013985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/24 11:57 (external edit)