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Identifying Stellar Motions associating different Spiral Arm Scenarios
R. Grand, S. Roca-Fabrega, L. Jilkova, C. Martinez-Barbosa, H. Abedi, J. Hunt
Identifying Stellar Motions associating different Spiral Arm Scenarios
Line of sight velocity of an axisymmetric distribution as function of galactic longitude:
Residual l.o.s. velocity of an axisymetric distribution as function of galactic longitude:
Substracted rotation curve:
-What we see is the velocity dispersion (no non-axisymmetric structures present in the model) -The asymmetry could be a consequence of the asymmetrical drift (it needs to be tested).
-N-body spiral arms + SPH (Nd=) / corotating (Kawata14) 90deg.dat
-N-body spiral arms (Nd=5*10^6) / rigid-body rotation (Manifolds?) (RocaFabrega13)
In each row:
x(Kpc), y(Kpc), z(Kpc), vx(Km/s), vy(Km/s), vz(Km/s)
Positions and velocities are galactocentric. The Sun is placed at (-11.5,0,0)Kpc
data format: (6(f10.3,1x))
-2D Test particle TWA1 spiral arms (i=8º, Nd=5*10^6) / density wave (RocaFabrega14)
In each row:
x(Kpc), y(Kpc), z(Kpc), vx(Km/s), vy(Km/s), vz(Km/s)
Positions and velocities are galactocentric. The Sun is placed at (-8.5,0,0)Kpc
data format: (6(f10.3,1x))
-2D Test particle TWA2 spiral arms (i=15º, Nd=5*10^6) / density wave (RocaFabrega14)
In each row:
x(Kpc), y(Kpc), z(Kpc), vx(Km/s), vy(Km/s), vz(Km/s)
Positions and velocities are galactocentric. The Sun is placed at (-8.5,0,0)Kpc
data format: (6(f10.3,1x))
-3D Test particle Ferrers bar + response spiral arms (Nd=5*10^6) / rigid-body rotation (Manifolds?) (RomeroGomez14):
In each row:
G ,Grvs ,Xreal (Kpc),Yreal (Kpc),Zreal (Kpc),VXreal (Km/s),VYreal (Km/s),VZreal (Km/s),Xobs (Kpc),Yobs (Kpc),Zobs (Kpc), VXobs (Km/s),VYobs (Km/s),VZobs (Km/s)
Positions and velocities are galactocentric. The Sun is placed at (-8.5,0,0)Kpc
data format: (2(f7.3,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x))
Real values = without errors -Obs values = with Gaia errors .
-N-body spiral arms (Nd=3*10^6) / Unbarred Great Design spiral (Debatista14)
In each row: Id(1=disk,2=bulge), x(Kpc), y(Kpc), z(Kpc), vx(Km/s), vy(Km/s), vz(Km/s), Mass (=1)
-Cartesian to equatorial + astrometric proper motions (Carmen)
-Cartesian to observable (Abedi)
-L.o.s. tangential and radial velocities (Grand)