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GCD+ N-body disc model by Hunt & Kawata
N-body disc models simulated with GCD+ (Kawata & Gibson 2003). These are the target disc models used in Hunt, Kawata & Martel (2013). The fixed Navarro, Frenk & White (1997) dark matter halo profile is applied:
<latex>\rho _{dm}=\frac{3H_{0}^{2}}{8\pi G}\frac{\Omega _{0}-\Omega_b}{\Omega_0}\frac{\delta_{c}}{cx(1+cx)^{2}}</latex>
<latex> c=r_{200}/r_s </latex>,
<latex> x=r/r_{200},</latex>
<latex>r_{200}=1.63\times 10^{-2}\left(\frac{M_{200}}{h^{-1}M_{\odot}}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}} h^{-1},</latex>
<latex>\delta_c = \frac{200}{3} \frac{c^3}{\left[\ln(1+c) - c/(1+c)\right]}.</latex>
We assume <latex>\Omega_0=0.266=1-\Omega_{\Lambda}</latex>, <latex>\Omega_{\rm b}=0.044</latex>, and <latex>H_0=71{\rm kms^{-1}Mpc^{-1}}</latex>. A live N-body disc is initially set up and simulated for several Gyr. The data file provides the position, velocity and mass of the disc particles. If you have any question, please email d.kawata (at) ucl (dot) ac (dot) uk.
ASCII data file format:
… format(7(1pE13.5))
x,y,z … position (kpc)
vx,vy,vz … velocity (km/s)
mp … particle mass (Msun)
Model | Description | <latex>M_{200}/M_\odot</latex> | <latex>c</latex> | <latex>N</latex> | Data file | Plot |
GD1 | Smooth disc | 1.75e12 | 20 | 99,9982 | gcdpdnf1.dat.gz | ![]() |
GD2 | Barred disc | 2.0e12 | 9 | 1,000,000 | gcdpdbar1.dat.gz | ![]() |
Error added data
Additionally, we provide the target GD2 in equatorial coordinates, with and without a Gaia-type error, treating the particles as tracers for a single stellar population, in this case M0 Giants.
The errors are computed following Gaia science performance estimates (credit to Mercè Romero Gómez & Francesca Figueras.)
The sun is located at (-8,0,0) kpc in cartesian coordinates. (Note that this does not take into account extinction)
ASCII data file format and units:
Model | Description | <latex>M_{200}/M_\odot</latex> | <latex>c</latex> | <latex>N</latex> | Data file |
GD2 | M0 tracer Barred disc w & w/o error | 2.0e12 | 9 | 1,000,000 | ubgaiae-out.dat.gz |
GD1 | Smooth Red Clump w & w/o error | 1.75e12 | 20 | 999,987 | rc-out.dat.gz |
GD2 | barred Red Clump w & w/o error | 2.0e12 | 9 | 1,000,000 | rc-bar.dat.gz |
For the GD1-RC stars for the challenge, the velocity of the sun w.r.t the GC is (0, 228.14, 0) km/s with the sun again at (-8,0,0) kpc.
Publication policy
If using these test data, please cite the Gaia Challenge wiki and Hunt, Kawata & Martel (2013).
Building on the similar challenge from last years workshop, we provide the data from an N-body galaxy in a known NFW dark matter halo potential, this time with dust extinction and Gaia like errors, for M0III tracers and Red Clump tracers as shown in Hunt & Kawata (2014).
For the GD3 stars for the challenge, the velocity of the sun w.r.t the GC is (0, 228.14, 0) km/s with the sun again at (-8,0,0) kpc. The fixed Navarro, Frenk & White (1997) dark matter halo profile is applied:
<latex>\rho _{dm}=\frac{3H_{0}^{2}}{8\pi G}\frac{\Omega _{0}-\Omega_b}{\Omega_0}\frac{\delta_{c}}{cx(1+cx)^{2}}</latex>
<latex> c=r_{200}/r_s </latex>,
<latex> x=r/r_{200},</latex>
<latex>r_{200}=1.63\times 10^{-2}\left(\frac{M_{200}}{h^{-1}M_{\odot}}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}} h^{-1},</latex>
<latex>\delta_c = \frac{200}{3} \frac{c^3}{\left[\ln(1+c) - c/(1+c)\right]}.</latex>
We assume <latex>\Omega_0=0.266=1-\Omega_{\Lambda}</latex>, <latex>\Omega_{\rm b}=0.044</latex>, and <latex>H_0=71{\rm kms^{-1}Mpc^{-1}}</latex>. A live N-body disc is initially set up and simulated for several Gyr. The data file provides the position, velocity and mass of the disc particles. If you have any question, please email d.kawata (at) ucl (dot) ac (dot) uk.
Mock data:
(Note that the mock data was edited on 24/10/14 to provide data with a similar bar angle to the Milky Way)
Model | Description | <latex>M_{200}/M_\odot</latex> | <latex>c</latex> | <latex>N_s</latex> | Data file |
GD3 | M0III tracer boxy disc with extinction & error | 1.75e12 | 9 | 487,417 | tracers-m0iii.dat.gz |
GD3 | M0III tracer boxy disc (No Ex. or error) | 1.75e12 | 9 | 1,000,000 | full.dat.gz |
(The pre-edit data is here: m0iii-tracers.dat.gz and rc-tracers.dat.gz)]]
data format:
ASCII data file format and units:
For extinction data: output.txt
For full data: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,mass) (kpc, kms^-1, M_solar). The Galactic centre is (0,0), the sun should be at (-8.0) to match extinction added data.
Publication policy
If using these test data, please cite the Gaia Challenge wiki and Hunt & Kawata (2014).