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Table of Contents
Barcelona Mock data Suite
Readme file for the Barcelona mock data: 12 columns: first 6 columns: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) without errors, last 6 columns: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) with errors. Galactocentric coordinates, positions in kpc and velocities in km/s.
Barcelona test particle simulation RC sample with bar potential (old error model) outmr_3_short.dat
Barcelona Nbody simulation RC sample with Bar potential (new error model) simb5.gc.dat
Barcelona test particle simulation A0 sample with density wave spiral arms (new error model) simtwa.gc.dat
Test particles data (Barred potential)
Data provided by UB team (Romero-Gomez et al.). The simulation is described here.
Ascii file: 21635205 Red Clump particles with Grvs<16.1 (from a sample of 72M)
-In each row:
G ,Grvs ,Xreal (Kpc),Yreal (Kpc),Zreal (Kpc),VXreal (Km/s),VYreal (Km/s),VZreal (Km/s),Xobs (Kpc),Yobs (Kpc),Zobs (Kpc), VXobs (Km/s),VYobs (Km/s),VZobs (Km/s)
-Positions and velocities are galactocentric. -The Sun is placed at (-8.5,0,0)Kpc
-data format: (2(f7.3,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x))
-Real values = without errors -Obs values = with Gaia errors
Also available (not in the ascii file):
-Av ,V ,V-I ,GL ,GB ,dist ,xmuls ,xmub ,VR ,GLOBS ,GBOBS ,distobs ,xmulsobs ,xmubobs ,VROBS ,sigalpha ,sigdelta ,sigpi ,sigmua ,sigmud ,sigvr
-The full sample without the cut at Grvs<16.1
The simulation data is too large to upload it to the twiki. We can provide it in a USB stick or you can find it at google drive: .
N-body data
–Pure N-body, isolated galaxy (barred)–
-You can find a snapshot of this model (B1), that has 1 million disk particles, at: (centered to the galactic center) (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each row you will find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2013 (2013MNRAS.432.2878R) and Roca-Fabrega et al. 2014 (2014MNRAS.440.1950R)
–Pure N-body, isolated galaxy (unbarred)–
-You can find a snapshot of this model (U1), that has 1 million disk particles, at: (centered to the galactic center) (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each row you will find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2013 (2013MNRAS.432.2878R) and Roca-Fabrega et al. 2014 (2014MNRAS.440.1950R) Model B1 (barred model + spirals connected to the bar, 1*10^6 disk particles)
–Cosmological N-body + hydrodynamics–
-You can find a snapshot of the stellar component that is inside 500kpc from the center of the main galactic system in this simulation, at redshift 0, in: (centered to the galactic center) (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each column you can find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun), iron (solar), alpha/iron (solar), age(Gyrs), redshift_birth , param1, param2, vcirc (km/s, GM/r approach)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2015 (2015arXiv150406261R)