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Table of Contents
Barcelona Mock data Suite
Test particles data (Barred potential)
Data provided by UB team (Romero-Gomez et al.). The simulation is described here.
Ascii file: 21635205 Red Clump particles with Grvs<16.1 (from a sample of 72M)
-In each row:
G ,Grvs ,Xreal (Kpc),Yreal (Kpc),Zreal (Kpc),VXreal (Km/s),VYreal (Km/s),VZreal (Km/s),Xobs (Kpc),Yobs (Kpc),Zobs (Kpc), VXobs (Km/s),VYobs (Km/s),VZobs (Km/s)
-Positions and velocities are galactocentric. -The Sun is placed at (-8.5,0,0)Kpc
-data format: (2(f7.3,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x),3(f7.3,1x),3(f10.2,1x))
-Real values = without errors -Obs values = with Gaia errors
Also available (not in the ascii file):
-Av ,V ,V-I ,GL ,GB ,dist ,xmuls ,xmub ,VR ,GLOBS ,GBOBS ,distobs ,xmulsobs ,xmubobs ,VROBS ,sigalpha ,sigdelta ,sigpi ,sigmua ,sigmud ,sigvr
-The full sample without the cut at Grvs<16.1
The simulation data is too large to upload it to the twiki. We can provide it in a USB stick or you can find it at google drive: .
N-body data
Pure N-body, isolated galaxy (barred)
-You can find a snapshot of this model (B1), that has 1 million disk particles, at:
Barcelona Nbody simulation 1M particles, barred model + spirals connected to the bar, centered at the Galactic Centre and bar pattern speed of 37-38 km/s/kpc. isol_b1_stars_centered.dat.gz (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each row you will find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2013 (2013MNRAS.432.2878R) and Roca-Fabrega et al. 2014 (2014MNRAS.440.1950R)
–Pure N-body, isolated galaxy (unbarred)–
-You can find a snapshot of this model (U1), that has 1 million disk particles, at: (centered to the galactic center) (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each row you will find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2013 (2013MNRAS.432.2878R) and Roca-Fabrega et al. 2014 (2014MNRAS.440.1950R) Model B1 (barred model + spirals connected to the bar, 1*10^6 disk particles)
Barcelona Nbody simulation RC sample with Bar potential (with extinction, new error model) simb5.gc.dat
Cosmological N-body + hydrodynamics
-You can find a snapshot of the stellar component that is inside 500kpc from the center of the main galactic system in this simulation, at redshift 0, in: (centered to the galactic center) (the center is at a solar position, the sun is placed in the x axis at 8.5 kpc from the galactic center)
-In each column you can find:
x(kpc),y(kpc),z(kpc),vx(km/s),vy(km/s),vz(km/s),mass (Msun), iron (solar), alpha/iron (solar), age(Gyrs), redshift_birth , param1, param2, vcirc (km/s, GM/r approach)
-If the user needs more snapshots from this simulation please do not hesitate to contact with Santi Roca-Fabrega (
-If using this simulation for a publication please use the following references: Roca-Fabrega et al 2015 (2015arXiv150406261R)