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Stellar types in ''NBODY''
There 23 possible stellar types (KSTAR) in NBODY
0 Low main sequence (M < 0.7). 1 Main sequence. 2 Hertzsprung gap (HG). 3 Red giant. 4 Core Helium burning. 5 First AGB. 6 Second AGB. 7 Helium main sequence. 8 Helium HG. 9 Helium GB. 10 Helium white dwarf. 11 Carbon-Oxygen white dwarf. 12 Oxygen-Neon white dwarf. 13 Neutron star. 14 Black hole. 15 Massless supernova remnant. 19 Circularizing binary (c.m. value). 20 Circularized binary. 21 First Roche stage (inactive). 22 Second Roche stage.
tests/collision/mock_data/appendix.1481899036.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/24 12:28 (external edit)