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Challenge 3. Clusters in tidal fields with stellar evolution

(Simulations ran and kindly made available by Holger Baumgardt)

Here we consider 2 clusters which are slightly more realistic:

  1. IC: King (1966) W_0 = 5 model, N = 131072, Kroupa (2001) mass function between 0.1-15 Msun (no black-holes).
  2. No primordial binaries, no central black hole, circular orbit in logarithmic halo with V = 220 km/s.
  3. Z = 0.001
  4. Stellar evolution and mass-loss according to Hurley et al. (2000, 2002)
  5. Two Galactocentric radii: 8.5 kpc and 15 kpc.

Below are 2 snapshots at an age of roughly 10 Myr, 100 Myr, 1Gyr and 12 Gyr. The columns are the same as in Challenge 2.

  1. w05_n131k_rg8.5_feh-0.0_t10.gz UPDATED! Thursday August 22
  2. w05_n131k_rg8.5_feh-0.0_t100.gz UPDATED! Thursday August 22
  3. w05_n131k_rg8.5_feh-0.0_t1000.gz UPDATED! Thursday August 22
  4. w05-n131k_rg15_feh-0.0.t10.gz NEW! Tuesday August 20
  5. w05-n131k_rg15_feh-0.0.t100.gz NEW! Tuesday August 20
  6. w05-n131k_rg15_feh-0.0.t1000.gz NEW! Tuesday August 20

Final list of snapshots used in Sollima et al. in prep, columns are:

$m$ $X$ $Y$ $Z$ $V_x$ $V_y$ $V_z$ kstar logL logTeff
[Msun] [pc] [pc] [pc] [km/s [km/s] [km/s]
tests/collision/mock_data/challenge_3.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/24 12:28 by